25th COTER commission meeting (external) and conference on "Forging a sustainable and secure future together—place-based solutions for global challenges”


Oulu City Hall
Kirkkokatu 9
90100 Oulu

The 25th COTER commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, 17 September 2024, from 09:30 to 16:30 (Eastern European Summer Time) at the Oulu City Hall. The meeting will be fully presential. 

The draft agenda will be made available on the Members Portal in early July. 

At this COTER meeting, Members will be voting the following opinions: 

  • "The future of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) post-2027", by rapporteur Karsten Uno PETERSEN (DK/PES); 
  • "A renewed Cohesion policy post 2027 that leaves no one behind", by rapporteurs Vasco ALVES CORDEIRO (PT/PES) and Emil BOC (RO/EPP); 
  • "EU budget and place-based policies: proposals for new design and delivery mechanisms in the MFF post-2027", by rapporteur Marie-Antoinette MAUPERTUIS (FR/EA); 
  • "Solving obstacles to the cooperation of emergency services in the EU's border regions", by rapporteur Pavel BRANDA (CZ/ECR); 
  • "How to exploit the full potential of cohesion policy to tackle demographic change", by rapporteur Raquel GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ (ES/PES). 

In the morning of 18 September, the COTER conference on "Forging a sustainable and secure future together — place-based solutions for global challenges" will provide an opportunity to explore the Northern Agenda as an example of a place-based and integrated strategy aiming at fostering innovation, clean energy, sustainable transport and social cohesion. After the conference, Members will also have the possibility to participate in a study visit in Oulu. 

All meeting documents will be made available on the CoR Members' Portal.​​


Contact Person: COTER secretariat

Email: coter@cor.europa.eu 


Read more on COTER's website!

City of Oulu with Oulujoki river
Source: ©​ Oulun kaupunki / Suomen Ilmakuva Oy / CoR
Cross-Border Cooperation cross-border emergency services