Wellbeing and Health promotion Podujatie 12apr2023 Hub Talk #10 – You have an adopted mHealth solution, how did you succeed? The European mHealth Hub relaunches its activities with the Hub Talk #10 entitled “You have an adopted mHealth solution, why did you succeed?” on 12…
Wellbeing and Health promotion Podujatie 12jún2023 RHFH Cluster session: Scaling Up Digital Health Services for Active and Healthy Living The session, co-organised by EHTEL and the European Health and Care Cluster, will showcase use cases from large scale pilots in Europe with a…
Wellbeing and Health promotion Podujatie 12-14jún2023 EHTEL & Health and Care Cluster @ Radical Health Festival Helsinki 2023 Radical Health Festival Helsinki provides carefully selected educational sessions led by influential healthcare leaders from around the…