Urban Mobility Library Exploring the deployment of New Mobility Services (NMS) The aim of the Action No. 8 Exploring the deployment of New Mobility Services, led by POLIS Network, was to explore through case studies the…
Urban Mobility Library Reducing diversity of Urban Vehicle Access Regulations The growing number of low emission zones, congestion charging zones and other access regulation schemes (UVAR) within the EU may create confusion for…
Urban Mobility Library Scaling up innovative clean buses Clean (alternatively fuelled such as electric, hydrogen) buses in urban areas can offer considerable advantages: reductions in emissions of…
Urban Mobility News New Guidance to inspire more walking The Urban Mobility Partnership presents a new guidance document for cities, businesses and community groups wishing to encourage people to use their…
Urban Mobility Library Reinforcing the uptake of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP), with EU guidelines for cities, is a core element of the EU urban mobility policy and very useful tool for…
Urban Mobility Library Evaluating best practices in convenient access to public transport The PUM Action No. 3 Evaluating best practices in convenient access to public transport aims to understand and benchmark, on a consistent basis, how…
Urban Mobility Library New Guidance to inspire more walking The Urban Mobility Partnership presents a new guidance document for cities, businesses and community groups wishing to encourage people to use their…
Urban Mobility Library Position Paper on "Setting up a European framework for fostering urban mobility innovations" As of end-2019, the Urban Mobility Partnership is working at full speed on the implementation of its actions. One of them, Action No. 9, refers to…
Urban Mobility News Urban Mobility Partnership: Position Paper on "Setting up a European framework for fostering urban mobility innovations" As of end-2019, the Urban Mobility Partnership is working at full speed on the implementation of its actions. Read about all actions here. One of…
Urban Mobility News Urban Mobility Partnership meeting no. 6 in Karlsruhe: from actions to implementation On 7 and 8 March 2018, the Urban Agenda for the EU Partnership on Urban Mobility held its sixth meeting in Karlsruhe, Germany, in concomitance…