Air quality is the main determining environmental factor for the quality of life in cities. The main objective of the Partnership is thus to place the healthy city higher on the EU agenda and to help attain healthy urban environments. Based on the input of the different partners during several meetings between December 2015 and June 2016, four concrete topics have been formulated to focus on until mid-2017.
Topic 1: Modelling city-specific situations. Urban air quality is influenced both by urban and non-urban emission sources. Hence, a reliable information base on aspects that are key in the improvement of air quality and public health in city-specific situations has been established. This, in turn, has informed an inventory of cost-effective and practical measures in relation to the reduction of (specific sources of) air pollution and the effect on health conditions.
Topic 2: Mapping of regulatory instruments and funding. As the ambition of cities and Member States to improve air quality increases, there may be a need for new innovative regulatory concepts. Also, possible difficulties in gaining access to the right funding schemes needs attention. The Partnership is mapping key data on existing and forthcoming regulations and legislation affecting air quality, and it is identifying overlaps and gaps related to funding.
Topic 3: Recommendations on air quality good practices. An overview and comparison of (good) practices, identified within actions 1 and 2, can provide policy guidance. Based on existing practices, possible pilot projects in the participating and other cities are recommended.
Topic 4: Guideline for cities’ air quality action plans. To foster a structured exchange on current practices for the elaboration of air quality action plans, a basic guideline for cities for the compilation of air quality action plans will be developed. It is to facilitate local decision-making, uniformity in air quality plans and safeguard compliance with EU legislation.
A draft Action Plan related to these topics will be put for consultation on this website in June 2017.
During the Partnership’s duration of three years, further actions will be elaborated and implemented with the aim to establish a set of practical and efficient pathways and guidance to improve air quality in urban regions based on a comprehensive inventory of current practices, experiences, new research and smart combinations of opportunities
Infographics presenting the Partnership are available here.
More information with regard to EU legislation, policies, strategies, studies, funding, project examples on the topic of Air Quality can be found at the One-Stop-Shop.
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