European AI Alliance Forum Discussion Does strong AI actually work? The appearance of Strong AI or Artificial general intelligence (AGI) - as a machine that can understand or learn any intellectual task that human…
European AI Alliance Forum Discussion “Artificial Intelligence: a Rupture Technology for Innovation” by James L.Crowley in the AI4EU Café On Nov 13th, 2019 at 3 p.m. James L. Crowley (Univ. Grenoble-Alps and INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes Research Center) will make his presentation titled …
European AI Alliance Forum Discussion THE PRINCIPLE OF SELF-RESTRAINT AS A PRECONDITION OF TRUSTWORTHY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Given the character of the European Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Al as a ‘living document’ and on the occasion of the First European AI Alliance…
European AI Alliance Forum Discussion Artificial Intelligence and an Applied Ethics. But what kind of Ethics? We warmly welcome the initiative of the European Commission and the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence to hold a public debate around…
European AI Alliance Blog Towards a Trustworthy AI "Made in Europe" The commitment to European values and respect for fundamental rights together with the mobilisation of adequate policies and resources, are the two…
European AI Alliance Forum Discussion AI democracy How to repurpose the country's economy toward high-end applications of artificial intelligence ? Finland has an idea. Start by teaching 1 percent of…
European AI Alliance Forum Discussion A partnership to develop an AI-on-demand platform for Europe After the Coordinated Plan on Artificial intelligence, the European Commission moves further with its actions to bring the EU at the forefront of AI…
European AI Alliance Forum Discussion VIDEO (AI HLEG): First workshop of the AI HLEG The High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG) held its first workshop in Brussels on 20 September 2018. Members of the AI HLEG…
European AI Alliance Document Report of the AI HLEG workshop of 20/9/2018 This is the report of the AI HLEG workshop of 20/9/2018, which took place in Brussels. The work was organised in breakout sessions that covered five…
European AI Alliance Forum Discussion VIDEO (AI HLEG): How does artificial intelligence benefit us? AI can make more accurate and faster medical diagnoses, carry out dangerous and repetitive tasks and free up valuable time. Listen how members of the…