9th Cohesion Forum


THE SQUARE - Brussels Convention Centre
Mont des Arts
1000 Brussels

9th cohesion forum
Source: ec.europa.eu/regional_policy

The 9th Cohesion Forum is a unique opportunity for stakeholders to reflect on the important role that cohesion policy plays in improving the well-being of all people living in Europe.
At a time of important climate, technological, demographic and geopolitical developments, the EU cohesion policy needs to evolve to meet the ambitious objective of making Europe's regions more resilient, competitive and inclusive, embracing the green and digital transition and improving opportunities for all European citizens.

On 11 and 12 April 2024, the Cohesion Forum will bring together some 1000 representatives of

  • EU institutions
  • national, regional and local authorities from all Member States
  • social and economic partners
  • non-governmental organisations
  • academia
  • and many more who will follow the debates online

On this website, you can access the event programme, information on the speakers, and some practical information.

Participation is upon invitation only. However, the Forum will be livestreamed. Additionally, recordings of all sessions will be available in English on this website.

For information on content: cohesionforum@ec.europa.eu

For more details and livestreaming, click here!

Cross-Border Cooperation cohesion policy cohesion forum