Housing Evento 31Mar2017 Susanne Bauer, Vienna, informs Austrian Association of Cities and Towns on housing partnership The members of the Partnership on Housing regularly discuss their work with a wide range of interest groups, networks and associations.
Housing Evento 03Abr2017 IUT director´s board discussion with Barbara Steenbergen on housing in Europe IUT director´s board discussion with Barbara Steenbergen on housing in Europe The members of the Housing Partnership regularly discuss their work…
Housing Evento 04Abr2017 Sebastien Garnier, AEDES, informs Icelandic municipalities on housing partnership The members of the Housing Partnership regularly discuss their work with a wide range of interest groups.
Urban Agenda for the EU Evento 29Jun2017 Committee of the Regions of the EU to discuss the EU Urban Agenda, Brussels In a joint session of its REGI und COTER Committees, the CoR will discuss the state of play of the EU Urban Agenda.
Urban Agenda for the EU Evento 21Dez2017 UIA - Third Call for Proposals: Applicant seminar in Malmö The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) will hold an Applicant Seminar in Brussels on 7 February 2018. Registrations will open shortly. Stay…
Urban Agenda for the EU Evento 11Jan2018 UIA - Third Call for Proposals: Applicant seminar in Bucarest The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) will hold an Applicant Seminar in Brussels on 11 January 2018. Registrations will open shortly. Stay tuned…
Urban Agenda for the EU Evento 23Jan2018 UIA - Third Call for Proposals: Applicant seminar in Zagreb The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) will hold an Applicant Seminar in Brussels on 23 January 2018. Registrations will open shortly. Stay tuned…
Urban Agenda for the EU Evento 22Fev2018 UIA - Third Call for Proposals: Applicant seminar in Brussels The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) will hold an Applicant Seminar in Brussels on 22 February 2018. Registrations will open shortly. Stay…