State of the European Union 2023 by Ursula von der Leyen!

President Ursula von der Leyen

On the 13th of September 2023, president Ursula von der Leyen addressed the European Parliament during her State of the European Union 2023 talk. President von der Leyen touched on some of the main elements of EU policy and the accomplishments during the past years while she also identified the main opportunities and challenges to come in the future! The points made by the president focused around:

  • Climate change issues especially focusing on the reinvigorated discussions on the need to align climate neutrality with food secutiry.
  • Economic issues with youth unemployement, worker shortages, inflation and the administrative burden faced by small companies taking central stage.
  • The EU enlargment process and the possibility of EU treaty reforms in an effort to make the union more flexible and efficient.
  • Technological Innovation and AI, commenting on the union's effort under the AI Act which has developed into "a blueprint for the whole world".

If you missed the live event you can watch the recording of the session here. Do not miss your chance to get updated on the state of cohesion policy.