Digital Skills and Strategies Tips for SMEs

The TTC Working Group 9 has released its Digital Skills and Strategies Tips for SMEs following the webinar on the same topic that took place on 8 March 2022. 

The event included discussions on the use of digital tools to address company needs, as well as the explanation of government resources available to SMEs to help adopt digital tools. Panellists ranging from SME representatives and government officials to representatives of organisations helping SMEs bridge the digital transition, presented the barriers they encounter, lessons learned and provided recommendations for policymakers. 

The Digital Skills and Strategies Tips document compiles the main takeaways of the event to provide SMEs with 5 clear tips to adopt digital tools and enhance digital skills, including links to relevant resources and initiatives on both sides of the Atlantic.

Digital Skills and Strategies Tips for SMEs
(27.18 KB - DOCX)