This Consultation Paper serves as background information to the Public Feedback on the new actions developed by the Housing Partnership in the frame of the Urban Agenda for the EU. Stakeholder feedback will be considered by the Partnership in the further development of the Action Plan, for which now 13 in total are now foreseen.
See also:
Housing Partnership delivers next set of actions for public feedback
THEME 1: Better funding and financing conditions
- ACTION N° 1 – Recommendations on EU-Funding on Affordable Housing
- ACTION N° 2 – Recommendations on the European Semester and Affordable Housing
THEME 2: Better knowledge and governance
- ACTION N° 3 – Good Housing Policy on local, regional, national and EU level
- ACTION N° 4 – Recommendations to create an Exchange Programme for Urban Housing Responsibles
- ACTION N° 5 – Recommendations on Improvement of EU Urban Housing Market Data to cover and map housing prices (rent/purchase) at regional and city level
- ACTION N° 6 – Gender dimension in Energy Poverty
- ACTION N° 7 – Regular Monitoring of Affordable Housing in the European Union
- ACTION N°8 – Regular Exchange on Affordable Housing on Member State level: Housing Focal Points and Informal Ministerial Meetings
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The Czech Republic disagrees with p. 9 "rent regulation". Rent deregulation has been sucesfully finished few year ago, market rents started to play important role in distribution of housing. Rent regulation led to shortage or housing, waiting lists, corruption. It would be a step back to impose rent regulation again.
p. 10 -11 Partnership proposes an action to establish an EU database mapping housing prices - The Czech Republic proposes to use Eurostat for collecting comparable data which could be used by all countries.
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The Czech Republic disagrees with p. 9 "rent regulation". Rent deregulation has been sucesfully finished few year ago, market rents started to play important role in distribution of housing. Rent regulation led to shortage or housing, waiting lists, corruption. It would be a step back to impose rent regulation again.
p. 10 -11 Partnership proposes an action to establish an EU database mapping housing prices - The Czech Republic proposes to use Eurostat for collecting comparable data.
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