Digital Europe: Next Steps

A discussion paper prepared by the Lisbon Council for the 2018 Digital-9+ Ministerial (Informal) in Tallinn, Estonia.

The Digital-9 are Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Czech Republic and Poland have observer status.

The discussion paper looks at three key tests Europe faces: 1) An incomplete single market; 2) an incomplete digital society, and 3) the absence of global digital champions coming from within Europe and proposes an Eight-Point Action Plan for the European institutions and the incoming European Commission. Among the key recommendations are “complete the single market,” upgrade the digital AND the single-market dossiers in a commission restructuring, use co-creation and “design thinking” in policymaking and commit to an “Every European Digital” programme to end Europe’s digital divide.

Digital Europe: Next Steps
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