Founders' and Communication Round Tables "50 years of AEBR"


Wasserburg Anholt
46419 Isselburg-Anholt

AEBR has organized this celebration at the beautiful castle of Anholt, where the Association was founded on 17-18 June 1971. Unfortunately, public health restrictions still apply, and the event has to be shifted into an online one, with very few people on site. This, however, increases its potential audience.  

We have organized EN, DE and FR interpretation and will start at 9:00 (CEST) with a round table of AEBR founding members. These pioneers of CBC will review the work of the Association since its foundation in the light of current challenges and opportunities for border and cross-border regions.

A second round table at 10:30 is oriented to the media, looking at the present and future CBC in Europe, but also to the challenging task of making cooperation more visible.

Please follow the link to see the updated programme.

Water castle in Westphalia (Germany). An impressive building in the middle of a lake.

Wasserchloss Anholt, west fassade

Source: Tuxyso / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0

Cross-Border Cooperation border obstacles border