Workshop on "Roadmap to a Resource Efficient City" in Brussels on 9 October


On behalf of the EU partnership on Circular Economy, the city of The Hague invites interested parties to join the workshop:Roadmap to a Circular Resource Efficient City”. This (interactive) workshop will take place on October 9 as side event of the European Week of Regions and Cities (7-10 October 19) in Brussels.

The workshop is part of the process for the development of a “Roadmap for a Circular Urban Resource Management plan” for cities. The aim of this workshop is to elaborate on the developed process steps and substantiated arguments for cities in order to even better be able to design a circular resource management plan that is tailored to the specific needs of every individual city.    


This is specifically relevant for all city officials and city administrations interested in starting their own circular transition and learn more about how you can manage the resources in the city in a more efficient way. Be aware that there is limited amounts of seats (40 pax) for this workshop, so please register here before the 4 October.


Please see the invitation for more details on the agenda here.

Circular Economy European Week of Cities and Regions