Border focal point: publication of case studies

DG REGIO now has republished the 239 case studies presented in the 2015 Cross-Border Review, that are accessible on Inforegio and can directly be downloaded here. These case studies illustrate examples of legal and administrative obstacles in EU border regions.

The review identified difficulties in cross border regions throughout several actions (public consultations, workshops with stakeholders, a study). To increase the socio-economic development and the integration as well as cooperation of border regions, the Border Focal Point, set up by the 2017 Communication "Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions" (COM(2017)534), assists to reduce current mostly legal and administrative border obstacles that hinder citizens from accessing work, education, public transport or emergency and health care services on the other side of the border. It also accompanies actors at various action levels.

For more examples of cross-border obstacles, take also a look on b-solutions publications about the European Green DealCross-border Public Services and Employment.

b-solutions Case Studies Cross-Border Review Cross-Border Cooperation Border Focal Point