EDF Report on access to cross-border healthcare by patients with disabilities in the EU

The European Disability Forum (EDF) is pleased to share its Report on Access to cross-border healthcare by patients with disabilities in the European Union.

Access to health is a fundamental human right of persons with disabilities. It is recognised and protected under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ratified by the EU and all its Member States, and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Under EU law, patients have a right to seek healthcare in other EU Member States. However, the exercise of this right depends greatly on how well EU law is transposed and implemented, and of the level of discrimination patients with disabilities may face when seeking healthcare.

This report aims to contribute to the evaluation of the Patients Mobility Directive by the European Commission and identify additional measures needed at EU level to better ensure access to cross border healthcare by patients with disabilities. It looks at the anti-discrimination law in EU countries and analyses the websites of the National Contact Points (NCPs) on patient mobility. The report finds that:

  • Patients seeking cross border healthcare face difficulties in finding information on their rights. Only 16 websites provide adequate information on the rights for treatment on their territory and 17 about treatment in another Member State.
  • Only 9 websites provide information on the physical accessibility of healthcare facilities.
  • No website provides information on reasonable adjustments of healthcare facilities and healthcare services.
  • Only 2 websites provide information on access to mental healthcare, and none provide information on sexual and reproductive healthcare specifically to persons with disabilities.
  • 9 of 33 websites analysed have a (digital) accessibility score below the industry benchmark.
  • Only 14 EU Member States prohibit disability-based discrimination and have a requirement of reasonable accommodation in access to healthcare.

For any questions contact Marine Uldry (marine.uldry@edf-feph.org).

More information on EDF's work on health: https://www.edf-feph.org/health-work/

EDF Report on access to cross-border healthcare by patients with disabilities in the EU
(2.29 MB - PDF)
EDF logo, drawing of an hospital and a patient lying down and two medical professional
cross-border health health