Bursary Programme for cities to attend the 13th European Observatory Conference on Homelessness in Budapest on 21 September 2018

With the support of the HELP Project in Westminster, FEANTSA is in a privileged position to offer cities a bursary to attend the FEANTSA Research Conference in Budapest on 21 September 2018.

Westminster HELP is an EU-funded pilot project providing integrated housing, employment and health services to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. HELP will present some of its findings in a seminar at the conference.  

The bursary will allow cities to claim back to EUR 500,00 on travel, accommodation and the conference fee to support their participation in the conference. If you or a colleague are working on housing and homelessness at the city level and think this bursary of interest you can apply for a bursary here

Recipients of the bursary will be notified mid-August if they will receive the funding.

Read the full programme, session abstracts and speakers' bios on the Conference website and register before 31 August 2018!

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conference Homelessness FEANTSA Budapest bursary HELP project Westminster