Public Transport Fundamentals


Rue Sainte-Marie 6
1080 Brussels

The training programme Public Transport Fundamentals is a 3 day training designed for newcomers in the public transport sector.

Learning Objectives

  • Provide participants with fundamental knowledge on public transport and sustainable urban mobility
  • Explain why public transport is indispensable for our cities
  • Allow exchange of knowledge by tapping on UITP's international expertise
  • Present basic definitions related to the organisation and operation of public transport and illustrate them with examples
  • Increase awareness on main issues related to urban mobility
  • Provide a conducive platform for networking opportunities and interaction amongst participants

Target Audience

Junior and senior professionals entering the field of public transport (less than 2 years experience in public transport). Applicants must have a good command of English to appreciate the programme.

Please find further information and the registration on the website.


urban mobility public transport skills education talent training