Pioneering in partnerships for urban challenges is what the Urban Agenda for the EU and the Dutch Urban Agenda celebrate this year. What lessons are learned? What triggers partners to participate and contribute? How do you celebrate success?
Wednesday 19 of June 2019
13.30 – 16.45
Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
Festival ‘We Make The City’
Three years in partnerships
During this afternoon, the Dutch Special Urban Envoy, mr. Nicolaas Beets, takes stock of the past three years in the inspiring venue of Pakhuis de Zwijger. He will look forward to sharing the lessons learned in the Urban Agenda for the EU and the Dutch Urban Agenda with other pioneering urban innovators.
Furthermore we invite the partnerships to share their innovative approaches and will be appreciative of the input of all urban pioneers in order to be fit for the future. In thematic sessions we share potential for successful adaptation in other contexts along three themes, Smart, Green and Inclusive.
Smart: partnerships focused on digital innovations and the effects on organizations and people.
Green: partnerships focused on ecological sustainability and climate adaptation
Inclusive: partnerships focused on social sustainability
Preliminary program – June 19
13.30 – 16.45
A word of welcome by general moderator Natasja van den Berg
Afterwards an introductory keynote by Dutch Special Urban Envoy, mr. Nicolaas Beets,where he shares the lessons learned of the ‘extraordinarily ambitious concept’ of the European Urban Agenda. What are the tangible results and what is the connection of Europe with the everyday practice of the cities?
Following a keynote by Elena Szolgayová (DG Housing Policy and Urban Development Slovakia) about what it takes to work in an international partnership in general and specifically in the partnership Affordable Housing.
Coffee and tea break
Break-out sessions: Smart, Green and Inclusive.
A concluding keynote speech by professor Maarten Hajer on the opportunities and pitfalls of experimental multilevel governance.
Closing drinks and informal reception
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