The 7th meeting of the Partnership on Digital Transition took place in Tallinn (Estonia) on March 28th. The purpose of the day was to discuss all comments received during public feedback, stakeholder consultation and Member States via UDG (Urban Development Group) and incorporate them as far as possible in the final Action Plan.
After a general presentation on the Public Feedback carried out on the Draft Action Plan, Kadri Jushkin, Coordinator of the Partnership, presented the comments provided by Member States for each action. The feedback session was concluded with the remarks of the European Commission representative, especially in relation to smart city initiatives to enhance coordination across services.
Then, working sessions were organized. The themes around the draft actions were split in two to allow for sufficient and relevant discussion. Thus, the Partnership members first tackled actions in relation with:
- Theme 1: Generalise and diffuse digital skills to everybody
- Theme 3: Provide value through free and fair access or open/public/personal data
- Theme 4: Accelerate and adopt digital emerging technologies in cities
Then, the partners focused on:
- Theme 2: Enable and implement citizen-centric e-government
- Theme 5: Adopt business model thinking to drive urban digital transition
- Theme 6: Implementing key enabling technologies; starting with 5G
The aim of both sessions was to incorporate the comments from public feedback, Member States and European Commission to each action.
The Partnership Meeting finished with a call for action to all members to send the revised actions to the Coordinators, so that the work can continue with a final discussion in the next meeting, scheduled the beginning of May.
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