Improving cross-border labour market opportunities in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine

Cross-border cooperation in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine (EMR) enhances regional integration among Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany, promoting economic development, cultural exchange, and shared services across national boundaries. To address demographic challenges, which ultimately lead to a shortage of skilled workers, the EMR combines its efforts to create an attractive environment for specialists from all sides of the border.


In June 2018, the youRegion was created, focusing on expanding and harmonising counselling services and establishing cross-border placement services. It aims to create a euregional labour and placement market and promote a welcoming culture for newcomers. The project was conceived in response to the demographic changes and economic effects impacting the labour market across the subregions of the EMR. The region faces a potential shortage of highly skilled workers due to an ageing and shrinking workforce, compounded by the tendency of highly skilled employees to leave for national core regions, perceiving limited career opportunities in the border areas.

However, as the EMR is located in the heart of Europe, it offers exceptional career and lifestyle opportunities. The youRegion project seeks to make highly skilled and high-potential candidates aware of these opportunities, encouraging them to expand their concept of career and lifestyle beyond geographical borders and mitigating the perceived negative effects of these borders. By addressing local labour market challenges and learning from existing best practices, the labour market is now viewed as a cross-border issue. The project's main objectives are:

  • Labor Market Integration: The project collaborates with Public Employment Services to integrate cross-border placement processes, aiming for a one-stop-shop approach.
  • Welcome Culture: By working with universities and research centres, the project ensures sustainable integration of the academic and research sectors, fostering a welcoming environment for newcomers.
  • Networking and Marketing: The project promotes the region as an attractive living and working space through common euregional marketing, enhancing the region's appeal to international specialists.
  • Practical Cooperation: Intensive cooperation with associated partners ensures that the project's activities are spread across the EMR area, promoting cross-border employment and increasing the number of cross-border commuters.
  • Additional Objectives: Establishing EMR-wide cooperation and harmonisation of GIPs and SGAs, conducting an academic target group analysis of newcomers and expats, and producing an elaborate information brochure for cross-border workers, job seekers, expats, and their families.


The partners of the youRegion project include twelve public organizations: Stichting Euregio Maas-Rhein (lead partner), Locatie in Limburg, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Arbeitsamt der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft, Podium 24, WerkgeverServicePoint Sittard-Geleen, Region Aachen - Zweckverband, Provinciale Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Limburg - WPM, Gemeente Maastricht, Stadt Aachen, ZZP Fabriek Maastricht, and Maastricht University. 

Map of Europe with EMR highlighted


The project was implemented across the entire Euregio Meuse-Rhine, which includes regions in Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. The geographical spread of activities ensured a cohesive approach to cross-border cooperation, allowing for the integration of services across national borders.


The youRegion project is an Interreg V A project (Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine) and is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The total budget for the project is EUR 3,087,814.66, with EU funding contributing 50% EUR 1,543,907.33.


The project, running from June 1, 2018, to May 31, 2022, has significantly improved the attractiveness and competitiveness of the EMR. By promoting barrier-free access to the labour market and creating a welcoming culture, thus making a lasting impact on the daily lives of border citizens.

Key achievements include:

  • Significant progress in harmonizing placement services, resulting in a more integrated labour market.
  • Development of a comprehensive welcome culture that makes the EMR an attractive destination for skilled workers.
  • Establishment of common standards and practices that respect regional peculiarities while promoting a unified service offering.

Read more about the project here!

Cross-Border Cooperation Cross-border Labour Market