Digital Transition Library Final report of the Digital Transition Partnership This is the final report on the work of Digital Transition Partnership. It was finalized in April 2022 and includes links to all actions and…
Urban Agenda for the EU Library Article – How is the Urban Agenda for the EU contributing to sustainable urban development and territorial cohesion? The Urban Agenda for the EU and its delivery was the subject of an article was published in the European Public Mosaic Open Journal on Public Service…
Digital Transition Library Digitalisation of Urban planning Reevaluating the process of urban planning in order to make it more democratic and also taking full advantage of the vast quantity of relevant data…
Digital Transition Library Innovation ecosystems in Europe As cities and countries, we need to learn how we can be innovative and innovate. This implies a different way of working, a multilayered approach. To…
Digital Transition Library Data standards supporting citizen participation in urban planning Today citizen participation – in informal and formal processes with different degrees of detail and intensity – is an integral part of spatial…
Digital Transition Library Build a data taxonomy at a European level There is an on-going discussion as to how to make the taxonomy of data (as a normalised classification) available to and endorsed by all cities in…
Urban Agenda for the EU Library Ljubljana Agreement and Multiannual Working Programme – Renewing the Urban Agenda for the EU On 26 November 2021, EU Ministers reponsible for Urban Matters adopted the Ljubljana Agreement and its Multiannual Working Programme that materialise…
Urban Agenda for the EU Library Online brochure on the ‘Urban Agenda for the EU – Multi-level governance in action’ has a new revised version The Urban Agenda for the EU (UAEU) is an innovative urban policy initiative which represents a new multi-level governance model that encourages…
Security in Public Spaces Library Action 6 – 10 Rules of Thumb for the Security by Design approach The Urban Agenda for the EU Partnership on Security in Public Spaces has been developing guidance material for architectural and spatial design, or…
Security in Public Spaces Library Action 2 - Final Report on EU financing for urban security projects in 2021 - 2027 Urban security is an important pillar of the European citizens’ daily lives. Terrorist threats in major European cities have been a source of concern…