Partnership on Circular Economy provides input to the European Parliament vote on regulation on minimum requirements for water reuse

As part of the work with the Better Regulation Action "Help make water legislation support the circular economy in cities" the Partnership have today shared the recommendations regarding the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament vote on the Regulation on minimum requirements for water re-use. 

The Partnerships work have been lead by the City of Prato, who have raised the need for more reuse of water in European cities due to the increasing issue of water scarcity. The Partnership welcomes the European Commission’s proposal for a “Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on minimum requirements for water reuse”. This proposal has among its objectives the reduction of water scarcity ensuring the healthiness of agro-food productions that require water as production input. 

The Partnership have four specific recommendations to the proposal:

  • Urging for the extension of the scope of the regulation to urban uses as soon as possible: The regulation should include among the classes in Annex I water reuse for civil purposes (e.g. street and car washing; watering of flowerbeds, public gardens and parks). The commission should be requested to carry out such evaluation as soon as possible.
  • Supporting the minimum quality requirements proposed by the European Commission.
  • Clarifying the Risk Assessment procedure. The competent authority should be in charge of overseeing the risk management in collaboration with the entities responsible for water reuse projects, operators of reclamation facilities and users.
  • Better collaboration among the reclaimed plant operator and food operators.

The recommendations are further explained in the position paper available HERE. 

better regulation water Circular Economy Wastewater Water Reuse