European AI Alliance Pasākums 18Jūn2018 Annual meeting of the Commission with non-confessional organisations (Brussels) The dialogue with churches, religious associations or communities and philosophical and non-confessional organisations allows for an open exchange of…
European AI Alliance Pasākums 18Jūn2018 EESC AI Stakeholder Summit (Brussels) A European Strategy for Artificial Intelligence The European Economic and Social Committee, together with the European Commission, will organise…
European AI Alliance Pasākums 09Jūl2018 CEPS Task Force on Artificial Intelligence - Second meeting - July 9, Brussels CEPS launched a Task force to try to bring the AI debate to a concrete discussion of outstanding ethical, governance and policy challenges. The…
European AI Alliance Pasākums 18Jūl2018 The Future of AI in Europe, IJCAI-ECAI-18 (Stockholm) The Future of AI in Europe Wednesday, July 18th, 14:55 – 16:10, T2 AI has been recognized as one of the most important topics of our time…
European AI Alliance Pasākums 06Sep2018 Artificial Intelligence in Industry and Finance (3rd European COST Conference on Mathematics for Industry in Switzerland) We would like to welcome you to the «3rd COST Conference on Mathematics for Industry in Switzerland» on Artificial Intelligence in Industry and…
European AI Alliance Pasākums 18Sep2018 Stakeholder Workshop - Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence – building a framework with standardization 1 day workshop to pinpoint how standardization will support the take-up of AI technologies. During the workshop participants will discuss the…
European AI Alliance Pasākums 20Sep2018 Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Deep Learning und das Recht - EDV Gerichtstag Artificial Intelligence: National and International Concepts of Ethics by Design Speaker: Ramak Molavi Algorithmic decision making, autonomous…
European AI Alliance Pasākums 26Sep2018 Integrating Europe’s AI and Cybersecurity Strategies The European Commission is pursuing major initiatives in artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity. The goal of the latter is to improve…
European AI Alliance Pasākums 27Sep2018 Data Science & Law Forum - Responsible approaches to Artificial Intelligence The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bringing unprecedented technological and legal complexity, triggering a convergence of traditional legal…
European AI Alliance Pasākums 20Okt2018 Quel monde pour demain ? Intelligence artifielle, transhumanisme Les nouvelles technologies se renforcent mutuellement, on parle des Nbic : Nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, intelligence artificielle et…