The European Commission would like to invite you to an interactive webinar on 5G Communities: Shaping the Next Call, to be held on 31 May, 10:00 - 11:00 CEST.
This session invites feedback from those involved in project submissions for the first round of CEF Digital calls for 5G Communities in order to learn what could be simplified in the application process for the second round of calls. The session will be introduced by Eric Gaudillat, Head of Sector for 5G Connectivity within the European Commission Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology. Mr Gaudillat will give an overview of the first round of calls and what to expect in the next round. A Q&A session will follow, together with an interactive voting session to gather feedback.
The session is open to:
- Municipalities
- Telecommunication and technology companies
- Socio-economic drivers proposing 5G use cases (particularly in the areas of health, education, mobility, security, rural development, agriculture and government)
- European networks, associations and representative bodies
- Broadband Competence Offices
- Representatives of the European Institutions
Please register by email.
Video conferencing
On the day, please join the session by clicking here.
Log in using these details:
- Meeting number / access code: 2734 609 2288
- Meeting password: Connectivity
The materials (slides and relevant links to further information) will be shared with all participants by email after the session.
Please share this invitation
The European Commission would also like to encourage you to share this invitation with local authorities who could be interested to the future CEF Digital calls, as well as any other relevant stakeholders.
We look forward to seeing you online!

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