Border regions for the European Green Deal: Obstacles and solutions to cross-border cooperation in the EU

The b-solutions pilot initiative, launched in 2017, aims to address the legal and administrative obstacles hindering cross-border cooperation along the EU internal land borders. As part of this project four calls for proposals were launched between 2018 and 2021, through which a total of 90 case studies from across Europe were selected that shed light on the most recurrent cross-border obstacles at present.

In the ninety cases already addressed, classified by thematic area, some recurrent problems appear. Although we need to treat each case individually, because local context might be different, there is a clear potential to learn from other borders’ experiences.

Published by the European Commission’s DG REGIO and AEBR, this publication is part of a set of three thematic analyses that brings together the experiences and knowledge in different fields. In border regions for the European Green Deal, we look at cross-border obstacles related to environment, energy and climate change.

Border regions for the European Green Deal: Obstacles and solutions to cross-border cooperation in the EU
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b-solutions green deal