URBACT call for Action Planning networks is now online!

URBACT is calling cities to apply for collaborative networks. It is a great occasion for cities to collaborate together in the frame of URBACT. Cities who joined the Urban Agenda for the EU partnerships are very much welcome to apply as much as other cities willing to engage in co-designing sustainable urban development plans, exchange knowledge, practices, and experiences transnationally. The specificities for the application are available here.

Below are some elements worth flagging:

To promote the call and benefits for cities to take part in an URBACT network, we can also rely on the new Programme publication Cities in Action - Stories of Change which highlights the results achieved by 40 partners in APN. Some of city stories will be published on the website in the coming weeks but you can already read a lengthy article on the URBACT method.

Some more content will be available in the coming days on the website www.urbact.eu

All the information regarding this call is available here.

URBACT call for Action Planning Networks