Action K3 : The final compilation document on training academy for politicians is out!

The Partnership on Climate Adaptation is proud to present the final compilation document from its Action K3, 'Political training on climate adaptation', under the priority Better Knowledge of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

The document combines material from the six political training academies on climate adaptation including the last session held on 4th December.

One colleague from the Solomon Islands, Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening, had to say the following on this topic:

"[W]e have already lost 6 islands to high sea rise and sea erosion [in the Solomon Islands]". He adds, "climate change is now more than ever - just like the COVID19 global pandemic - a very real and hard global phenomenon which is affecting our many venerable island communities in the Pacific and continues to pose cross-cutting threats and endless dangers to our way of living. He concludes that hopefully, we can "find a remedy for our common ‘devil’ for our common good.".

Read more about the challenges addressed in the document below:

Political Training on Adaptation
(38.56 MB - DOCX)
Political training Partnership on Climate Adaptation Action Plan Deliverable