AI for Health – A Human-Centric Approach to Global Challenges

During the 2nd EU AI Assembly in October 2020 AI in health was discussed with a specific focus on the potential use of AI in combating the COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of having more medical data available to make AI more reliable. Furthermore, at the “High-Level Conference on AI: From Ambition to Action” last September, the conversation on AI for Health continued with the keynote speaker Nora Khaldi, who stressed how healthcare systems are not sustainable anymore due to rising costs, the growing and aging population and highlighted how AI could greatly assist in innovating healthcare systems around the world, thus reducing costs and improving quality of service.

However, the prospects of AI technologies come with significant challenges in optimising the use of innovative technologies, and at the same time ensuring that the benefits of its use are not accompanied by risks that could potentially threaten the health and privacy of people and affect the trust in the technology. Overcoming these challenges requires global collaboration by various stakeholders, on how to come together and make sure that AI works for all people, around the world and gives equal opportunities to use and benefit from these technologies. Sharing insights and experiences on how to stimulate the use of human-centric AI in healthcare, such as through the European Health Data Space and the MyHealth@EU initiatives of the European Commission are some of the key instruments to make AI benefit all.

In continuation of these initial dives into the topic, I am happy to manage the AI in Health workshop that will be held on the 16th of March 2022 at Expo Dubai in the framework of the event “European AI Excellence and Trust around the world”. Together with selected experts – Malavika Jayaram, Rony Medaglia, and Fosca Giannotti - and three concrete European projects working on AI in health - GenoMED4All, DIH-Hero, and EuCanImage – the role of AI in health will be explored, tangible benefits of concrete AI projects for AI in health and challenges such as data availability and infrastructure, trust and ethical implications will be discussed, moderated by Gianluca Misuraca. Importantly, the unique added value of a European approach to AI in Health will be shaped together with the invited experts.

- Find more about the #AIHealth workshop here

- Register for the event



The European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) and the Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) has launched the International outreach for human-centric Artificial Intelligence initiative ( to help promote the EU’s vision on sustainable and trustworthy AI in the world.


AI Artificial Intelligence health Human-centric ExTrAI