Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World Renginys 22Bal2021 Ψηφιακές γνώσεις και δεξιότητες για την υγεία: H σημαντικότητα τους εν καιρώ πανδημίας Το Κέντρο Κοινωνικής Καινοτομίας (Center for Social Innovation - CSI) διοργανώνει διαδικτυακή εκδήλωση με θέμα "Ψηφιακές γνώσεις και δεξιότητες…
Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World Renginys 29Bal2021 Launch of the Atlas of Demography The Covid-19 pandemic has reminded us that our welfare, employment and health systems rest on a delicate demographic balance, highlighting the need…
International Cooperation Renginys 01-04Bir2021 IDIH Week 2021 IDIH Week will take place online between June 1st and June 4th, 2021 with 3 sessions dedicated to Information, Networking&Matchmaking,…
Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World Renginys 29Lap2021 Online information and matchmaking day for Digital Europe Programme calls on sectorial TEFs Under the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL), the European Commission expects to open calls for proposals to fund AI Testing and Experimentation…
International Cooperation Renginys 13Sau2022 Webinar: Deep dive into multi-country projects - Genomics The Commission's recent policy programme, A Path to the Digital Decade, is a plan to achieve the digital transformation in Europe by 2030 through…
International Cooperation Renginys 03Vas2022 IDIH Stakeholders’ Event: Digital Health for Active and Healthy Ageing. Addressing the needs of users In view of the IDIH Week 2022, we are now inviting you to the IDIH Stakeholders’ Event “Digital Health for Active and Healthy Ageing. Addressing…
Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World Renginys 21-24Kov2022 IDIH Week 2022 IDIH – International Digital Health Cooperation for Preventive, Integrated, Independent and Inclusive Living has officially launched the IDIH Week…
Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World Renginys 10Spa2022 Reference Sites AHA Award Ceremony will take place on October 10th The 4th CALL for AHA Award Ceremony will take place on October 10th in Bruxelles. Everyone from your AHA Reference Site planning to attend…
Wellbeing and Health promotion Renginys 12Bal2023 Hub Talk #10 – You have an adopted mHealth solution, how did you succeed? The European mHealth Hub relaunches its activities with the Hub Talk #10 entitled “You have an adopted mHealth solution, why did you succeed?” on 12…
Wellbeing and Health promotion Renginys 12Bir2023 RHFH Cluster session: Scaling Up Digital Health Services for Active and Healthy Living The session, co-organised by EHTEL and the European Health and Care Cluster, will showcase use cases from large scale pilots in Europe with a…