Sustainable Land Use Library Action 9 - Agreeing on Common Targets and Indicators for Nature-Based Solutions, Urban Green Infrastructure, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Cities Here you can find the conclusive report from Action 9 from the UA Partnership on Sustainable Land Use and Nature Based Solutions, which sets out…
Sustainable Land Use Library ACTION N° 6 – BETTER REGULATION TO BOOST NBS AT EUROPEAN, NATIONAL AND LOCAL LEVELS The first outcome of Action 6 on improving regulation to boost nature-based solutions aims at analysing related EU policies and strategies…
Sustainable Land Use Library Guidebook on Including Land Take and Soil Properties in Impact Assessment Procedures This Guidebook investigates the role of Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment procedures in highlighting the effects…
Sustainable Land Use Library Video on the Partnership and Action 5 on 'Functional Urban Area (FUA) cooperation to mitigate urban sprawl' The Partnership on Sustainable Use of Land and Nature-Based Solutions has produced a video. It outlines the Partnership's overall objectives and…