The Partnership on Security in Public Spaces proudly presents its final Action Plan.
The aim of this Action Plan is to propose Actions that are useful to local and regional authorities, realistic, in line with the challenges of our time, easily understandable by citizens and bringing real European added value.
The Actions are:
- Developing a Framework for a Self-Assessment tool dedicated to Urban Authorities
- Recommendations on EU security strategy, multi-level, participatory and innovative governance and funding
- Evaluate the application of AI inclusive technologies
- Develop a capacity building training scheme about integrated sustainable urban security
- Measure the impact of social cohesion and inclusion on security in public spaces of urban and peri-urban areas
- Develop guidance for architectural spatial design and planning (security by design)
The participative approach adopted by the Partnership to identify the most relevant Actions also provided an opportunity to realise and appreciate how much these Actions are closely interlinked. If this is particularly true for Actions 4 and 5, where coherence is ensured by the fact that they have been designed by the same Partners, it has become increasingly clear that the coordination and synergies are also important for Actions 1 and 5, which deal respectively with the benchmarking tool for policies (including R&I) and measuring impact of social cohesion, social inclusion and innovation. The same applies to Actions 2 and 4 which relate to the need to elaborate innovative and sustainable Action plans on security linked to training for urban authorities, as well as Action 5 and 6 where the promotion of social cohesion and inclusion go hand in hand with security by design.
Read the full document below.

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