4th meeting of the Partnership in Haarlem

The fourth meeting of the Partnership on Innovative Public Procurement will take care in Haarlem (The Netherlands) on 26 February. The Partnership will focus on the following issues: Building Procurement Strategy, Circular Procurement, Collaboration with the market, Use of legal tools and Competence centre. 


Inviato da Peter KOMINKA il Gio, 15/02/2018 - 19:33

Are you talking about ethic procurement as a theory for six EU cities?When will that terminology arrive to 4+ 2 Visegrade countries(incl RO BG).Will we see low cost public services procured ?
MY most question: will that procedure end in fair employee salarie and possible "company benefit package" as additional benefit?

In risposta a di Peter KOMINKA

Inviato da Valentina Schi… il Lun, 19/03/2018 - 16:06

The Partnership Innovative Public Procurement is one of the 12 Urban Agenda Partnerships. Using Public Procurement and the Procurement of Innovation as a strategic management tool, cities can increase significantly the positive impact on their social and environmental objectives. When procurement strategies are well aligned in an overall management strategy, procurement has the potential to contribute as a catalyst at all levels of the multi-level governance in the EU Urban Agenda. This partnership creates the opportunity for cities and Member States to work closely together with the European institutions to research and assess how the procurement strategies of cities can be aligned with local, regional, national and European policy objectives and priorities.  In their procurement practice today, cities need to prepare for future challenges requiring innovation. Such additional demand for innovation asks for a more dynamic and integrated approach in Public Procurement.

The fair employee salaries is outside the scope of the Partnership.

Inviato da Valentina Schi… il Lun, 19/03/2018 - 15:56

The meeting of the Partnership on Innovative Public Procurement in February was very fruitful. We reduced 22 actions to the 7 most important actions:

1. Practical guideline on building procurement strategy

​2. Legal handbook innovative procurement

​3. Innovation broker

​4. Regional competence centres

​5. Competency building circular procurement

​6. Measuring spend in European cities

​7. Recommendation(s) for future EU funding for joint and/or circular procurement

Inviato da Valentina Schi… il Lun, 19/03/2018 - 16:12

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Inviato da Peter KOMINKA il Mer, 21/03/2018 - 18:56

Valentina Schippers on Partnership Innovative Public Procurement,
Sorry but I still dont see the possibility within the DUNAU micro regio policy (the Visegrade four and RO-BG countries) to help a chain of cities to arrange "bondaged public services" mean a set of public services in one corporate hand like postal delivery & food delivery & medical door delivered to customers daily. This is not SME support but the city corporated public services based on innovative public procurement.