In the context of the 4th UIA Call for Proposals, 175 proposals were submitted, from 23 Member States, of which 20 were selected due to their innovative approaches, and capacity to establish strong local partnerships with a mix of complementary partners.
Urban authorities responsible for the selected projects will start experimenting with bold ideas to find creative, innovative and durable solutions to address challenges linked to the digital transition, sustainable use of landand nature based solutions, urban poverty and urban security.
The selected projects are:
- Digital transition: GAVIUS (Gavà City Council, ES), WESH (City of Heerlen, NL), VOXPOP (city of Lisbon, PT) DARE (City of Ravenna, IT), RUDI (Metropole of Rennes, FR), DIACCESS (City of Växjö, SE), BRISE-Vienna (City of Vienna, AT)
- Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions: SPIRE (City of Baia Mare, RO), GreenQuays (City of Breda, NL), UPPER (City of Latina, IT), Green Minds (Plymouth City Council, UK), PUJ (City of Prato, IT)
- Urban poverty: CAPACITyES (City of Bergamo, IT), EPIU (Getafe City Council, ES), Home and care (City of Landshut, DE), WISH ME (City of Milan, IT), A Place to Be-Come, (City of Seraing, BE)
- Urban security: BeSecure-FeelSecure (City of Piraeus, EL), TO-nite (City of Turin, IT), SURE (City of Tampere, FI)
Fin out more on the UIA website.
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- urban poverty Digital transition call for proposals UIA Urban Security Sustainable use of land and nature-based solutions