Webinar: National AI strategies in Europe: where are we now and what’s next?

National AI strategies in Europe: where are we now and what’s next?

National AI strategies in Europe: where are we now and what’s next?

22 June 2021 | 14.00 – 17.30 CET

The European Commission’s AI Watch (DG Connect and DG Joint Research Centre) and the OECD AI Policy Observatory are pleased to invite you to their joint webinar on the 22nd of June 2021 (14.00 – 17.30 CET).

The EC and the OECD will present the results of their joint efforts to monitor and analyse national policy developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by introducing the findings of two new reports:

  • European Commission AI Watch report “National Strategies on Artificial Intelligence: A European Perspective
  • OECD report “State of Implementation of the OECD AI Principles: Insights from National AI Policies”

After the presentations of the reports, there will be two panel discussions in which European Commission and OECD representatives, national policy makers, stakeholders from the private sector, academics and civil society will share their insights on the relevance and implementation of national AI policies.

This webinar will provide you with the opportunity to:

  •  gain information about emerging trends in AI policy across EU countries to build ecosystems of excellence and trust in AI
  • discuss the role of national AI policies to develop and endorse trustworthy AI, and the benefits of enhancing collaborations in AI
  • learn about the work of the European Commission and the OECD to monitor and analyse national AI policies



The AI Watch project was set up by the European Commission to support the implementation of the Coordinated Plan on AI, a joint initiative between the EC and EU Member States. The AI Watch report on National Strategies reviews the AI policies of EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland.

The OECD report looks at how countries implement the five recommendations to governments of the OECD AI Principles, and it examines emerging trends on AI policy.

The findings of these two reports are informed by the joint EC-OECD database of national AI policies and strategies. This database provides a repository of over 650 AI policies and strategies from over 60 countries and the European Union. In 2021, the database was expanded to include emerging trends in AI policy, use cases in the public sector, AI-related COVID-19 responses and policies to foster AI skills and talent.

Coordinated Plan on AI AIWatch OECD National strategy