Video: Reflections from the USA - Cameron Kerry on Global Governance of AI

Within the context of the High-Level Conference on Artificial Intelligence - From Ambition to Action, organised last September under the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council, the International Outreach for human-centric AI instrument ( of the European Commission conducted a series of video interviews with leading global experts from like-minded countries.

The first of these international reflections were conducted with Cameron Kerry, from the USA.*  

Cameron is a global thought leader on digital economy, international cooperation, and artificial intelligence (AI) and his work have a  specific focus on cross-border challenges in information technology.

In a dialogue with Gry Hasselbalch, our Senior Key Expert on AI Ethics, Cameron discussed the need for a global multi-stakeholder dialogue on AI regulation, the challenges, and mechanisms for ensuring convergence of AI, as well as what forms should international cooperation take in order to be effective and lead to desirable digital governance at the global level.

Multiple international dialogue and networks are deemed fundamental given the global scale of deployment of AI systems and scientific research that in turn requires a governance effort at the same scale. Cameron recognizes also the specificity of like-minded democratic countries and elaborates on the need for initiatives coherent with their ethical values in a challenging global scenario.

I invite you to check in full-length this forward-looking dialogue between Cameron and Gry to understand the importance of EU-US cooperation in this crucial area currently at the center of discussions within the EU-US Trade and Technology Council.




We look forward to further expanding our discussion on how to develop appropriate governance for AI to benefit humanity, as always, let's keep !


Gianluca Misuraca

Team Leader and Key Expert in Technology Diplomacy,



*Cameron Kerry is the Ann R. and Andrew H. Tisch Distinguished Visiting Fellow in Governance Studies and the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings Institution and a visiting scholar with the MIT Media Lab. He is also the former General Counsel and Acting Secretary of the United States Department of Commerce, where he played a leadership role in privacy, cybersecurity, and the flow of information and technology across international borders.


Artificial Intelligence human-centric AI Trustworthy AI International cooperation videresource