CBPT study update: Inventory of cross-border public transport services completed

For the first time, information about cross-border public transport services in border regions along all internal EU borders and borders with Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and the UK has been collected systematically. The inventory provides information on rail, bus, ferry and tram services, which ease cross-border accessibility forcitizens in border areas.

Information on nearly 7,000 services is available. This includes details on the origin and destination of each service, its line name, operator, stop locations, number of stops and service frequency. The inventory is published in an interactive web map application.

Visit the CBPT collectionhere to see what services are available in your region. If you notice that something is missing or not correctly displayed, please send an e-mail to our CBPT address and help to improve the inventory.

In order to further develop the CBPT collection, we are carrying out an in-depth analysis of the inventory. Please look out for first results of this analysis which will be released soon.

The image shows a screenshot of the study's webviewer. It depicts an overview of public transport services in border areas and the corresponding ferry ports, rail stations, bus and tram stops serving public transport in border areas.
transport evidence and data


In risposta a di Raffaele Viaggi

Profile picture for user nzillmsa
Inviato da Sabine ZILLMER il Mar, 11/05/2021 - 17:23

Thank you, Raffaele. We will look into this and are happy that you like the tool!