Partnership Urban Mobility presented during DG meeting on Urban Matters in Sofia, 20 April 2018

The meeting of the Directors-General on Urban Matters (DGUM) is the main coordination body of the Urban Agenda for the EU. The DGUM meetings are held once every Presidency. Among other things, the DGUM delegates provide feedback to and - ultimately - endorsement of the Partnerships' Action Plans. On 20 April 2018, the Bulgarian EU Presidency hosted the DGUM in Sofia.

This time, a particular focus was on the so-called Bratislava Partnerships: those Partnerships launched under the Slovakian Presidency in 2016. Among these is the Urban Mobility Partnership (PUM), which has presented a draft Action Plan in February 2018. One of the Urban Mobility Partnership Coordinators (Frantisek Kubes from the Czech Ministry of Regional Development) presented the current state of the PUM including the draft Action Plan.

It was agreed that the delegations would provide the Bulgarian Presidency and the Partnership Coordinators with further written feedback on the draft actions. The Partnership is thankful for this feedback and the comments, which will help improve the final Action Plan.

To stay informed about the Urban Mobility Partnership, please follow this website - especially the Action Plan section - and Twitter @EUUrbanAgenda #EUurbanmobility!

urban mobility DGUM draft action plan


Beküldte: Peter KOMINKA ekkor: v, 27/05/2018 - 14:28

DG UrbanMatters Inc is related to a Canadien industrial giant snc lavalin.
However I cant locate their Budapest Office.