AmCham EU's preliminary views on AI ethics guidelines

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Ahead of the publication of the AI ethics draft guidelines by the High-Level Expert Group on AI, AmCham EU released its views on such guidelines.

  • AmCham EU welcomes the work intiated by the European Commission through a multi-stakeholder approach and shares the objective to deploy and use ethics-embedded AI.
  • We call for guidelines that are actionable and encourage companies to adopt a responsible and ethical approach to AI. The more the HLEG’s guidelines are tailored by contextual considerations with the inclusion of different use cases, the more its output will be relevant.
  • The guidelines should lead to the implementation of a holistic AI framework including high-level principles, best practices, voluntary market and industry-driven standards as well as existing regulation. It should be proportional, risk-based and flexible because AI is not a monolithic technology but its ethical risk changes drastically according to its use and context.
transparency guidelines ethics of AI accountability AI explainability