Proposed Regulation & Revised Coordinated Plan on AI - CLAIRE Survey

As you know, the European Commission recently released a proposal for regulation on the use of Artificial Intelligence, along with a new Coordinated Plan on Artificial Intelligence, accompanied by a press release and a list of Q&As.

CLAIRE has prepared a survey for the AI community at large as well as for stakeholders in all sectors of society, including the general public, and has committed to publish the aggregated and anonymised results. We believe that the survey is of significant interest to partners and affiliated organisations within your network or project. It can be found at

and can be completed in 5-20 minutes, depending on the level of detail of your response. The closing date is 18 June 2021, 18:00 CEST.The survey is structured in order to allow respondents to indicate your level of agreement with the proposed regulations and the roadmap set by the EC, and, if desired, to also provide further comments and suggestions.

Of course, we will gladly distribute in a similar fashion any other surveys or materials of broad interest. 

With kind regards,


ai regulation AI4Good AI4All survey