Welcome to the European AI Alliance!

by Lucilla Sioli, Director for Digital Industry at DG Connect, European Commission

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the European AI Alliance! Thank you for joining. As a member of the European AI Alliance you will have the opportunity to discuss the future of artificial intelligence (AI) in the European Union. I am looking forward to hearing all your ideas and suggestions!

AI is already present in our daily life. From online searches to virtual assistants, from automated cleaning robots to language translators… More importantly, AI contributes to tackling some of the grand societal challenges we face today, like fighting diseases, climate change or cybersecurity attacks.

It is undeniable that AI has the potential to make our world a better place. Nevertheless, the technology can also bring about some challenges which need to be addressed. Safety, accountability, discrimination, transparency, privacy and future workplaces are but some of the issues that call for attention.

Trust in the technology is crucial to Europe's future competitiveness. Protection of our values should be at the core of technological developments. Moreover. for Europe to be at the forefront of technological developments, reflecting its economic standing, levels of investment must rise.

Europe's approach to AI is detailed in a Communication  published on 25 April 2018. However, achieving ambitious goals will not be possible without Member States joining forces. In March, at Digital Day here in Brussels, EU Member States signed a EU Declaration of Cooperation on AI.

To lay the foundations of responsible development, this platform will host a dialogue on the principles that should govern our technological future and on their practical implementation. A High-level Expert group nominated by the European Commission will engage the members of the Alliance in the discussion. The group will hold its first meeting on 27 June.

I would like to invite you to reflect on what the future holds for all of us and how we can best prepare for it. Let us use the European AI Alliance to shape our digital future together. I hope you will take this opportunity to actively participate in the debate!


Profile picture for user n0028bfr
Beküldte: David Pereira ekkor: cs, 14/06/2018 - 15:03

Looking forward to contribute on a constructive and enriching discussion around AI and how to make to most out of it for the best interests of the European Union citizens, markets and institutions.

Profile picture for user nucayseg
Beküldte: aysegul UCAR ekkor: szo, 16/06/2018 - 18:30

Hi Everyone

I think that we will make a lot of contribution to high level expert disccusions.

Profile picture for user mnewman
Beküldte: Matthew Newman ekkor: p, 15/06/2018 - 10:17

I find it fantastic that the European Commission pursues such an inclusive way of informing guidelines and policy for such an important technology. I look forward to contributing. Great to be here.

Profile picture for user Asmar_Atif
Beküldte: Asmar Atif ekkor: p, 15/06/2018 - 22:05

Thank you. Excited to be part of the group and contribute. 

Profile picture for user enzolefevre
Beküldte: Enzo Maria Le Fevre ekkor: Hét, 18/06/2018 - 11:34

Thank you for the warm welcome.

I'm glad to be able to contribute to the European AI Alliance. Its findings will also enrich the work we are developing at the OECD level in building the guidelines on the use of emerging technologies in the public sector.

Looking forward to learn more from all the members.


Profile picture for user n00268f0
Beküldte: Ramon Rahangmetan ekkor: sze, 20/06/2018 - 13:52

Dear Lucilla,

Thankyou for giving me the opportunity to be part of this amazing group, together we hold a great resposibility for contribute our time, knowledge and experience to this topic.

Have a nice day,

Best regards,
Ramon Rahangmetan

Beküldte: Massimo Ippolito ekkor: k, 26/06/2018 - 11:22

Dear Lucia,

thank you for the kindly welcome. It's an honor to participate.

Massimo Ippolito

Digital Initiatives Platform - Innovation Manager

Comau S.p.A.

Profile picture for user anna de stefano
Beküldte: anna de stefano ekkor: v, 01/07/2018 - 22:00

Dear Ms. Sioli,

thank you very much for the invitation to join this very interesting Group, I am very honored to be part of it and to give my possible contribution.

I also thank the other participant to this Alliance for the warmth of their posts and the enthusiasm spread by the various comments.

Looking forward to doing my best,

Anna De Stefano