iHeal project: A useful tool for digital health literacy and skills

iHeal project: A useful tool for digital health literacy and skills

In times of challenge and in particular of a global health crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the health of our society and to a greater extent of its vulnerable groups needs special care, support and targeted empowerment. In times like these, we care about our community and build solidarity, empathy and knowledge by supporting our vulnerable groups.

One such initiative is the innovative European project ''iHeal - Improving Adults' Digital Health Literacy to Prevent Marginalization and Social Exclusion'', co-funded by Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of adult education.

The iHeal project, which started in November 2018 and ends in April 2021, has successfully completed the goal of creating an educational program using new technologies, to facilitate the access of adults (especially aiming at ages 50+) to e-health services. The project, consisting of a partnership with expertise in the fields of health, research and adult education, designed and developed an interactive, user-friendly and open-access digital platform that improves digital literacy around health matters, e-management and health services at national and European level.

Complete services and tasks of the iHeal program include:

The main service of the project, which is the interactive online learning platform, is provided free of charge through the official website www.iheal.eu, where the user can find information about the results and work of the project, as well as the complete educational knowledge and skills delivery material.

The educational material of the platform, as well as the other services of the project are provided in six languages ​​(Greek, English, Italian, Portuguese, German, Turkish). The curriculum is divided into eight core modules, which provide useful and important knowledge, skills and information around a wide range of topics related to digital health and related issues.

The iHeal program cooperative consists of eight specialized partners in the fields of health, research and adult education:

Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (COMU) - Turkey (Program Coordinator)

Buyuk Ortadogu Saglik ve Egitim Vakfi (BOSEV) - Turkey

Center for Social Innovation (CSI) - Cyprus

Prolepsis Institute - Greece

Wissenschaftsinitiative Niederösterreich (WIN) - Austria

INOVA + Innovation Services - Portugal


InEuropa - Italy


The main impact of the iHeal project on the wider community is the provision of an adequate health literacy and wellbeing learning and the provision of associated values, attitudes and behaviors in adult groups, the provision of a new form of information literacy in order to stimulate active participation in modern society, and lastly, the exchange of good practices between network partners and organizations active in the field of adult education in EU.

For more information about the iHeal project visit the official website at www.iheal.eu and the official Facebook page @iHealProject or contact Ms. Panayiota Constanti, CSI Senior Project Manager at panayiota.constanti@csicy.com

digital health literacy digital skills digital knowledge digital health