Web Conference - What EU funding opportunities for local and regional authorities?


Join Efus's web conference in the framework of Action 2 and 4 of the Partnership on Security in Public Spaces on EU funding opportunities for local and regional authorities concerning the topic of urban security.

The event will take place on Zoom, with the participation of expert Thijs Fikken (Action 2) on the 25 June at 10h (CET).

More information

  • How can a local and regional authority receive up-to-date information about EU funding opportunities that can allow it to tackle urban security related challenges?
  • What are the key funding programmes and adequate instruments? Where to look for concrete information and support?
  • What are the main recommendations for the elaboration and implementation of a project?

This Efus web conference will allow local and regional authorities to gain practical, hands-on knowledge as well as tips and tricks with regards to the EU’s financial instruments that seek to contribute to the enhancement of the real and perceived security in diverse local contexts. At the end of the session you will have the opportunity to evaluate the session and provide us with your feedback.

You may find more information about it here and see the full programme here.

Registration is open with limited places. 

EFUS Partnership on Security in Public Spaces Action 2 Action 4