Bilingualism in the Functional Tri-Border Region AT-HU-SK: Work in Progress

The main purpose of the project is to identify the legal and administrative obstacles hindering cross-border kindergarten and primary school attendance in the tri-border region Austria-Hungary-Slovakia. On the 25th of March 2019, the steering group of the project had a meeting in order to report on the progress of the project. Main achievements so far:

  • A questionnaire was elaborated, which serves as a guideline for the planned interviews with relevant stakeholders. The interviews should give an overview of the legal background from the point of view of the relevant authorities and municipalities.
  • A first draft of a map of hotspots was created, in order to highlight the geographical focus of the project. A regional analysis was carried out taking into account the regional structure and existing cooperation of schools and kindergartens within the border region, the demographic development and a population projection for 2015-2025.
  • A research was conducted on best practice examples from border regions all over Europe and possible scenarios were introduced.

