On Thursday, 27 June 2024, the Border Focal Point Network hosted the 19th episode of the 'Beyond Borders' Breakfast Debates series, focusing on “How to enhance cross-border public transport for a more integrated EU”
This edition delved into how to facilitate cross-border travel between cross-border regions. Our main objective was to explore how the public sector can establish and guarantee a reliable and efficient cross-border public transport service, especially for road transport such as buses or tram lines. We discussed strategies to encourage cross-border commuters to choose public transport over private vehicles. Throughout the session, we shared real experiences, as well as new suggestions to create reliable cross-border transport services in the EU.
Featured Speakers:
🎙️ Marlies Peeters, Programme Manager, DG REGIO, Unit Interreg, Cross-border Cooperation and Internal Borders, European Commission
🎙️ Marcin Wójcik, Policy Officer, DG MOVE
🎙️ Paolo Dileno, Project Manager, Central European Initiative - Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES)
🎙️ Hanna Kroll, Project Manager, Aachen Transport Association
🎙️ Sandra Sodini, Director of the Office for International relations, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
🎙️Andrew Lansley, Member of the UK House of Lords and LOW Associates Strategic Counsel
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