Action Cluster 5: Vulnerability of Roma people

The cluster related to vulnerability of Roma people encompasses three actions:

Action 10: Adoption of an integrated Roma framework from a multilevel governance approach

Action 11: Strengthening the desegregation principle in EU urban areas

Action 12: Ease cities’ access to EU funding in parallel to introducing local ex-ante conditionalities regarding – among other aspects – Roma inclusion


What bottleneck do these Actions address?

The Urban Poverty Partnership deplores high poverty rates among Roma people in Europe as well as spatial and institutional segregation. Moreover, there is a lack of integrated and coordinated approaches to Roma integration between the different levels of government.


How do the Actions aim to achieve this?

Poverty among Roma people can be better tackled through multi-level governance. The three actions aim at developing policies and instruments involving various stakeholders from all levels of government thanks to integrated actions. One of the main objectives is to propose a new approach based on multi-level governance for the post-2020 EU Roma Framework.


Have steps for implementation already been taken?

EUROCITIES is actively involved in the current evaluation of the EU Roma Framework. Regarding the objective to offer clarity on  EU funding and to ease cities’ access to funds in the planning and implementation of Roma inclusion programmes, a first step was taken by EUROCITIES with a report on the ESF and how it can be used more effectively – especially by cities. EUROCITIES is using the evidence and findings from this report to advocate for better access of cities to ESF+ after 2020.


What is the further planning?

The Partnership is currently assessing the formulation of a contribution to the post-2020 EU Roma Framework based on the action proposing multi-level governance and the creation of a steering committee to discuss the new national strategies for Roma inclusion, as suggested by EUROCITIES.

On 9 and 10 October 2018, DG JUST is organising the European Roma Inclusion Platform in Brussels, which takes place annually. The main theme of this event is access to housing and healthcare for Roma people by means of showcasing cities’ good practices but also highlighting challenges encountered. This event will enable to increase the Partnership’s visibility by promoting its actions, an issue that was raised during the last Partnership meeting in Paris.


Who is the Action Leader?

EUROCITIES leads these three Actions together with URBACT. 


Related activities

  • Read the final Action Plan here.
  • More info on the European Roma inclusion platform can be accessed here.
  • A EUROCITIES study on the situation of Roma is available here
  • A EUROCITIES study on the ESF is available here


Disclaimer: All views expressed in this Action description are solely those of the Urban Poverty Partnership members as stated in the Action Plan and not those of any individual party or entity with which they may be associated.


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inclusion Action Plan ESF urban poverty Eurocities implementation Roma