An overview on the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act

CONNECT University Session on DSA/DMA 28th January 16:00

The Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) were created for two main reasons: (i) to design a digital environment which respects the fundamental rights of digital services’ users, and (ii) to promote healthy competition, technological innovation, and commercial prosperity. In other words, the DMA and the DSA aim at a safe and open digital ecosystem, with European values at its centre.

The fast paced technological evolution has called for a refreshed and up-to-date regulation of the digital services and market. The access to online platforms allows EU businesses to grow within the single market and has supported their expansion on a global scale. Yet, the unprecedented and ever-evolving use of e-commerce and online services has resulted in a handful of large platforms having significant control over the digital economy. This control often results in big platforms hosting businesses under unfair conditions and limiting the options of their users. The DSA and the DMA tackle such imbalances.

Watch the recording and review the slides to learn more about the DSA and the DMA and their expected impact, from some of the key players in delivering the new legal framework! 


Prabhat Agarwal, Head of Unit DG CONNECT F.2 Digital Services and Platforms

Prabhat Agarwal is the Head of the ‘E-Commerce and Platforms’ Unit, for which he had been the Deputy Head since 2016.  Prabhat Agarwal joined the Commission in 2007 and has worked on a variety of digital policy focus areas. Prior to joining the Commission, Prabhat Agarwal worked on micro and nano-technologies for Philips Research and NXP Semiconductors. Prabhat Agarwal studied physics in the UK and France and holds a PhD on Condensed Matter Physics from the University of Cambridge.   

Irene Roche Laguna, Deputy Head of Unit DG CONNECT F.2 Digital Services and Platforms

Irene Roche Laguna is the Deputy Head of the ‘Digital Services and Platforms’ Unit in DG CONNECT. Lawyer by background, Irene Roche Laguna has been part of the European Commission since 2004. Prior to that she worked at the European Court of Justice and at the University of Valencia, Spain. She has dealt with a wide range of single market related issues, such as state aid, online and postal services as well as the coordination of the enforcement of single market rules. In addition, Irene Roche Laguna is a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges.

digital services act digital services digital market online platform economy