How to use tags on the Border Focal Point Network platform

Are you looking for content on cross-border employment opportunities? How about information on healthcare access across borders? Through the ‘tags’ function, finding articles related to a specific topic is made simple.

Tags are key words related to the themes of an article and provide a more targeted way of searching for content on the Border Focal Point Network platform.

To begin searching through tags, open one of the category sections (B-Solutions, News, Events, Good Practices, Library) of the Border Focal Point Network platform and click on the relevant tag on the right-hand side of the page. The bracketed number next to the tag shows the number of posts related to that word or phrase. Please see images below which show where to find tags.

If you are writing a post, we recommend that you use tags from the following list:

  • Evidence and data
  • EGovernment
  • Health
  • Information services
  • Transport
  • Multilingualism
  • Employment
  • Education
  • Institutional matters
  • B-solutions
  • Green Deal


Here is how to search by tags on the Library tab (all tabs work the same way)

1: On the home page, click on Library to gain access to tags.


2: Library page. Click on the relevant tag on the right-hand side.



Here is how to insert tags when writing a post

1: On the home page, click on the ‘Group actions’ button, and select the type of post you want to write.


2: After writing your article, at the bottom of the page, you will find the tag bar.


We recommend that you use tags from the following list. To add more than one tag, use a comma (,) in between the tags.

  • Evidence and data
  • EGovernment
  • Health
  • Information services
  • Transport
  • Multilingualism
  • Employment
  • Education
  • Institutional matters
  • B-solutions
  • Green Deal