Urban Poverty Événement 15Mar2017 Social Inclusion Monitor Europe-Social Justice and Willingness to reform in Europe, Brussels Social Inclusion Monitor Europe – Social Justice and Willingness to reform in Europe, organised by Bertelsmann Foundation The consultation on the…
Urban Poverty Événement 23-30Mar2017 EU Roma Week, Brussels EU Roma Week, organised by EP jointly with European Commission This six days lasting seminar (March 23 to 30, 2017, including travel days) is…
Urban Poverty Événement 03-04avr2017 EUROCITIES Social Affairs Forum, Lisbon On 3 and 4 of April 2017, the EUROCITIES Social Affairs Forum will be held in the city of Lisbon under the patronage of the mayor of Lisbon, Fernando…
Urban Poverty Événement 24avr2017 Annual convention for inclusive growth, Brussels Annual convention for inclusive growth, organised by DG EMPL. Theme: 'social inclusion of young people'. Two of five workshops focus on…
Urban Poverty Événement 27-28avr2017 INTERNAL meeting of the Partnership on Urban Poverty - 5th UPP meeting, Kortrijk, BE
Urban Poverty Événement 18mai2017 EUROCITIES Innovation in Care conference, Brussels, BE On Thursday 18 May the conference "Innovation in Care: How to improve quality of life and services for an ageing population?" will take place in…
Urban Poverty Événement 29-30juin2017 INTERNAL meeting of the Partnership on Urban Poverty - 6th UPP meeting, Brussels, BE
Urban Poverty Événement 21-22Sep2017 INTERNAL Urban Poverty Partnership meeting, Łódź, PL The 7th meeting of the Partnership includes discussions on the outcomes of the Public Feedback and other consultation activities. Partners will be…
Urban Poverty Événement 17nov2017 Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth, Gothenburg, SE Hosted by Sweden's Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, the Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth will gather heads of state and government, the social…
Urban Poverty Événement 27nov2017 CITIES Forum: Workshop on Urban Poverty, Rotterdam, NL During the 2017 CITIES Forum, Coordinators, partners and other stakeholders of the Urban Poverty Partnership will gather for a workshop on…