Urban Poverty Événement 27nov2019 European Day of Social Economy Enterprises 2019 The Social Economy: mobilising cities, regions and civil society. Pact for Impact for the European Union - Strasbourg The EESC organises its 4th edition of the European Day of Social Economy Enterprises in Strasbourg, on 27 November. The event which is coorganised by…
Urban Poverty Événement 18-19nov2019 Conference: The Time is Now to make Europe Poverty Free! - Brussels The 18th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty is organised by the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) with the support of the EU…
Urban Poverty Événement 14-15nov2019 EUROCITIES Critical friend review on tackling skills mismatch and developing 21st century skills for WG employment - Ghent How can cities tackle the skills mismatch and develop 21st century skills? EUROCITIES is organising a mutual learning visit to Ghent to learn…
Urban Poverty Événement 26-27Mar2019 EUROCITIES Social Innovation Lab, 26-27/03 - Glasgow This event will be looking at innovative approaches to address social challenges, including urban poverty. This is linked to the actions of the…
Urban Poverty Événement 21Fév2019 From Principle to Action: How to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights at local level Following the first anniversary of the European Pillar of Social Rights, EUROCITIES is organising a political event with the support of the European…
Urban Poverty Événement 22jan2019 The Sharing Economy and Housing Affordability: What Impact, What Solutions? Registration is now open for this Housing Solutions Platform debate. Co-hosted by Marian Harkin MEP and Brando Benifei…
Urban Poverty Événement 10-11déc2018 URBACT Fighting Homelessness Policy Lab URBACT is co-organising with FEANTSA (European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless) the “Fighting Homelessness Policy Lab”…
Urban Poverty Événement 23-24oct2018 Social Affairs Forum: Role of cities in implementing SDGs, Stuttgart, DE The SAF continues its work on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals on 23 and 24 October 2018 in Stuttgart, Germany. The Forum is focused on the…
Urban Poverty Événement 09-10oct2018 European Roma inclusion platform - Brussels This is the annual event organised by DG JUST in collaboration with Roma civil society. This year's focus is on access of Roma people to housing and…
Urban Poverty Événement 25-27Sep2018 Training School “City Counts in Europe: Measuring homelessness” - Brussels La Strada, Support center for the homeless sector for the Brussels Region, is organising a Training School 'City counts in Europe' in collaboration…