Material from the Coordinators' and Action Leaders' Meeting 2021


The 2021 edition of the Coordinators’ and Action Leaders’ Meeting took place online on the 9 and 11 June 2021, gathering the Coordinators and Action Leaders of all the Urban Agenda for the EU Partnerships, as well as key stakeholders from the European Commission and Council Presidency.

The meeting provided a platform for the UAEU Coordinators and Action Leaders and other key stakeholders to meet and host discussions on the past, present and future of the UAEU, featuring updates from the European Commission, the Council Presidency, and the Vienna Partnerships, as well as collaborative breakout sessions on the capitalisation on the work of the UAEU (featuring discussion papers which you can find here) and its next steps. There was also dedicated time in the agenda for networking among participants.

Below you can find the agenda of the two days as well all the presentations from the two days of the meeting.



Day 1 - 9 June 2021: Capitalising on the UAEU

Agenda day 1

Day 2 - 11 June 2021: Looking ahead - towards the future of the UAEU

Agenda day 2
1.1 Opening, state of play and updates on the Urban Agenda for the EU
(684.6 KB - PDF)
1.2. Updates from the Vienna Partnerships - Culture/Cultural Heritage
(6.06 MB - PDF)
1.3. Updates from the Vienna Partnerships - Security in Public Spaces
(583.38 KB - PDF)
1.4. Better Regulation Initiative
(392.81 KB - PDF)
1.5. Breakout 1 - How to successfully run a Partnership
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1.6. Breakout 2 - How to ensure sustainability and momentum of the Partnership
(89.81 KB - PDF)
1.7. Breakout 3 - How to create a tangible and lasting impact
(99.3 KB - PDF)
2.1. Next steps for the Urban Agenda for the EU - Portuguese Presidency
(4.22 MB - PDF)
Coordinators’ and Action Leaders’ Meeting